Friday, May 23, 2014

Honeycomb Jars Succulent Hanger

Honeycomb Jars Succulent Hanger. Succulent gardens stir my urge to venture to the Great American Southwest and adopt their close relatives, cacti. Pinterest boards could no longer sate my hunger for designed my own green microcosm so I took some clippings, saved my mom's peach jars, and found inspiration in the structurally sound hexagons of honeycombs. Save those sculptural glass jars! Weldbond glue (though I hope to try a boiled vinegar and baking soda glass to glass adhesive next time) and a wire hanger frame hold the jars together. I used activated horticultural charcoal, soilless potting mix, and extra perlite to plant my new specimens. While I hunt for more more cheap or free little plants, I store my old geology/gems collection in one lidded compartment.  A ribbon scrap for hanging and my weird contraption was set to hang in a window.

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